Learn the in-depth history of Sebastian Inlet from the first attempts to open an inlet 100 years ago to its evolution as a fishing mecca, the discovery of the wave by surfing pioneers Dick Catri and Jack Murphey and the conflicts between surfers and fishermen over access to the inlet. A combination of videos, slideshows and memorabilia document the historic contests and the cast of characters who made the inlet the most important wave on the east coast.
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Florida Surf Museum is located at RonJon Surf Shop in Cocoa Beach FL. The exhibit is currently open to the public and will be open until June 2019.
Sebastian Inlet- The Accidental Wave
Sports event in Cocoa Beach, FL, United States by Florida Surf Museum on Saturday, October 20 2018 with 475 people interested and 69 people going. 7 posts in the discussion.
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