FSM was recently paid a visit by surfing legend Kevin O’Dare. Kevin was in town competing in the Annual Rich Salick NKF contest at the pier. He had brought with him his 9’0” Bud Gardner noserider to compete in the legends division and generously donated it to the museum collection after the event. Kevin explained-
“That board was Buddy’s personal board and I am not sure when was the last time he rode it. That GTO Model was his high-performance long board made for nose riding. It has a concave nose with a step-down deck and a turbo scoop tail. I rode it for the last time in Cocoa Beach at the Kidney Foundation contest and got second place. I had a hand full of his ashes in my wax pocket and he got to surf the pier a couple more waves.”
We are happy that some of Buddy’s ashes are now in the line-up and we can add a Bud Gardner board to our collection.
Kevin’s credentials run deep as well. He started surfing in South Beach Miami in 1964 and was among the South Beach pioneers who had a huge influence on Florida surf culture including Buddy, Bruce Walker, Mark and Roddy Perry, Mike Mann, Bill Whiddon and many more.
Kevin owned and operated the Sun Spot Surf Shop in Vero Beach, just down the road from the landmark Ocean Grill for many years before deciding to become an organic farmer, inspired by his father who had an interest in natural foods. His business, Osceola Organics, supplies local restaurants including Ocean Grill with high quality salad greens and other produce.
Mahalo to Kevin for helping to preserve surfing history.
What a cool board and story!
This just K.O being K.O. He is true legend in the Vero Beach surfing community and has always been this selfless!